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Sat, 03/21/2009 - 21:53
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Business leaders urge Aso to form new economic steps of 30 tril. yen

TOKYO, March 21 Kyodo -
Business leaders urged Prime Minister Taro Aso on Saturday to compile
additional economic steps worth 30 trillion yen after the main budget for
fiscal 2009 clears the Diet.
Japan Business Federation Chairman Fujio Mitarai and Japan Chamber of Commerce
and Industry Chairman Tadashi Okamura made the request at a meeting of an
experts' panel held at the prime minister's office.
''Given that the supply-demand gap stands at around 25 trillion yen,
(additional steps need to be) at least 30 trillion yen,'' Mitarai told the
meeting, while Okamura also stressed the need to beef up cash flows, saying the
situation for medium-sized companies has been rapidly worsening.
But Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano, who also participated in the session on
economics, told reporters after the meeting, ''We need to examine the size
carefully. We cannot immediately respond, just like 'OK, we will do it.'''
In a separate session on social insurance held earlier in the day, Makoto
Yuasa, an active advocate for homeless people and laid-off workers, called on
the government to offer relief to people who are not eligible for any of the
existing relief measures.
''The government needs to send a message that it will save these hard-pressed
people,'' he said, warning that more people are losing their jobs and homes not
just in the manufacturing industry but other fields such as distribution.
Specifically, Yuasa, who organized the tent village for laid-off temp workers
during the year-end and new-year recess, pressed the government to buy up
apartments and company dormitories to offer places to stay to those who have
been kicked out of the dorms of the companies they had worked for.
The meetings of the experts' panel were designed to explore fresh ideas to
tackle the economic recession. Eighty-three experts from diverse circles,
including economists and governors, took part in a total of 10 sessions over
five days.
Aso is looking to reflect the opinions of the experts in the additional
economic measures currently under discussion by his ruling Liberal Democratic
Party and its coalition partner, the New Komeito party.
He is expected to form an extra budget for fiscal 2009 from April 1 to finance
the measures.