ID :
Wed, 04/01/2009 - 23:05
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UNSC would mull int'l response to N. Korea rocket launch: envoy

SEOUL, April 1 Kyodo -
North Korea's rocket launch, if conducted as planned in the coming week, will
be put at the table of the U.N. Security Council to discuss how the
international community should respond, South Korea's chief delegate to the
six-party talks on North Korea's denuclearization said Wednesday.
Wi Sung Lac, speaking to reporters in Seoul after returning from a trip to the
United States, said that considering the international community has tried to
dissuade North Korea from launching a rocket, there would ''inevitably'' be an
international response if the North opts to proceed with such a launch.
He declined to discuss the level of response that may be taken, but said he
consulted on the matter with U.S. officials.
North Korea has said it will put a satellite into orbit between April 4 and 8
amid suspicion the launch may cover for a test-firing of a Taepodong-2
ballistic missile because the technology involved in launching a satellite is
the same.
North Korea last week moved the rocket to the launch pad, according to South
Korea and U.S. intelligence.
South Korea, the United States and Japan say the launch would violate U.N.
Security Council resolutions banning North Korea from all activities related to
its ballistic missile program.