ID :
Wed, 04/08/2009 - 13:03
Auther :

China says U.N. should act 'prudently' over N. Korea rocket launch


BEIJING, April 7 Kyodo -
China on Tuesday indicated its opposition to the imposition at this time of
harsh measures by the U.N. Security Council over North Korea's rocket launch,
saying Beijing believes the panel should act ''with prudence.''
At a regular press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu
did not say whether Beijing sees Sunday's launch as a violation of a council
resolution prohibiting Pyongyang from engaging in ballistic missile activities.
''We believe that the U.N. Security Council's reaction should be prudent. It
should be conducive to peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula as well as
the Northeast Asian region, and for maintaining the six-party process,'' Jiang
China chairs the six-party denuclearization talks, which also involve the two
Koreas, Japan, Russia and the United States.
When asked whether China sees the launch as a violation of U.N. Security
Council resolution 1718, Jiang said, ''There is a difference between launching
a satellite and test-firing missiles or carrying out nuclear tests.''
''Countries have the right to peaceful use of space and so we believe the
Security Council should be cautious when responding,'' she said.
Jiang did not give a clear-cut response when asked whether China believes the
rocket launch was aimed at putting a satellite into orbit or a cover for a
ballistic missile test.
''We have taken note of (North) Korea's announcement'' that it was for a
satellite, the spokeswoman said. ''We have also taken note of concerned
parties' responses.''
Japan, South Korea and the United States say the rocket launch was a disguised
test-firing of a missile.
The spokeswoman indicated China has communicated with North Korea over the
launch in recent days, saying, ''China has maintained close communication with
concerned parties'' when asked about such contact.
Japan and the United States want the United Nations to send a strong message
against the launch through a new Security Council resolution.
But China, North Korea's traditional ally, has been seeking restraint together
with Russia, warning against action that could lead to further tension.