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Thu, 04/09/2009 - 12:48
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Olympics: Tokyo Gov. Ishihara spells out reasons for hosting Olympics

TOKYO, April 8 Kyodo - Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara believes that the Japanese capital is the most appropriate to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games because of its long commitment to peace.

''The Olympics are the world's biggest event aimed at promoting peace and
harmony for all humankind. In that sense, Tokyo is better qualified than any
other city,'' Ishihara said in a press conference on Wednesday in Tokyo hosted
by the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.
The International Olympic Committee will conduct a formal on-site visit to
Tokyo for four days from April 16 after offering a glowing assessment of
Chicago, the first city observed by the IOC inspection team.
''Japan has never been in any kind of war or conflict since the end of World
War II. That's why Tokyo is the most appropriate city to stage the Olympics,''
the outspoken governor said.
Ishihara also introduced Tokyo's work on tree-planting and emission control
projects and said, ''I'm confident we are doing the best job among the four
candidate cities in tackling environmental issues.''
In addition, Ishihara revealed that Tokyo plans to join the International
Carbon Action Partnership by the end of this month.
ICAP is made up of countries and regions that have implemented or are actively
pursuing the implementation of carbon markets through mandatory cap and trade
Madrid and Rio de Janeiro have also made bids. The IOC will select the host
city on Oct. 2 in Copenhagen.