ID :
Thu, 04/09/2009 - 15:32
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Upper house passes resolution seeking new sanctions against N. Korea+

TOKYO, April 8 Kyodo -
The House of Councillors adopted a resolution by a majority vote Wednesday,
condemning North Korea's rocket launch Sunday and calling on the Japanese
government to impose additional sanctions on Pyongyang.
The resolution, which passed at an upper house plenary session, stresses the
launch ''is an act which poses a threat to life and property'' in Japan. The
move came after the House of Representatives endorsed a similar resolution
during its plenary session Tuesday.
Just like the resolution Tuesday, the Japanese Communist Party voted against
the resolution, while the Social Democratic Party abstained from voting. Both
parties said it has not yet been confirmed whether the object launched was a
Prior to Sunday's launch, the Diet had unanimously adopted a resolution urging
North Korea to forgo its plans to launch what it claims was a satellite.
Japan and some other countries believe the launch was a cover for testing a
long-range ballistic missile.
The resolution condemned the launch as a violation of U.N. Security Council
resolutions and cannot be tolerated. It urged Pyongyang to comply with the
resolutions, which prohibit North Korea from engaging in any ballistic missile
It also urged the Japanese government to impose further sanctions on the North.
The government plans to decide Friday on additional sanctions against North
Korea and to extend ongoing sanctions, such as banning port calls by North
Korean-registered vessels, due to expire April 13, for one year rather than six
The Diet adopted a similar resolution after the North Korean nuclear test in
October 2006.