ID :
Tue, 04/21/2009 - 16:46
Auther :


By D. Arul Rajoo

BANGKOK, April 21 (Bernama) -- The postponed Asean +6 Summit is likely to be
held in Phuket in July, as many leaders are busy with their own domestic
schedules in May and June, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said today.

He said the Foreign Ministry was currently checking with all the other 15
countries on a suitable date to hold the Summit which had to be called off on
April 11, after thousands of anti-government protesters stormed the venue in
Pattaya and forced its cancellation.

Abhisit, who had declared state of emergency in Bangkok and five surrounding
provinces after the incident, said India would be busy forming a new government
after its general election while two other countries are scheduled to announce
their annual budget.

"The Foreign Ministry is contacting the participating countries and Asean
Secretariat to set a new date, most probably it will be in July," he told
reporters after chairing the weekly Cabinet meeting here.

Abhisit said the 16-nation summit could not be held in June as the Asean
Foreign Ministers Meeting was scheduled to take place during the month, adding
that the question of holding the event in another country did not arise at this
junction, despite Thailand's political turmoil.

The summit involving the 10-nation Asean with China, South Korea, Japan,
Australia, India and New Zealand has been plagued with problems from the
beginning, mostly due to the prolonged political crisis in Thailand.

It was supposed to have been held last December but the collapse of the Thai
Government and closure of two major airports by protesters forced it to be
delayed to the end of February. But only the 14th Asean Summit was held in Hua
Hin, while Summits with dialogue partners were postponed to April as Chinese
leaders were busy with their annual party congress.

Sadly, the Pattaya Summit brought shame to the Kingdom after protesters
linked to ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra forced its cancellation,
despite the arrival of most of the leaders at the resort city.

Abhisit said it was important to hold the Summit as soon as possible as
there were many agendas related to the global financial and economy crises.

China was supposed to sign a free trade agreement with Asean at the Summit
and announce a US$10 billion investment cooperation fund and offer US$15 billion
in credit to member countries.

Thailand is also scheduled to hold the 15th Asean Summit in October.