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Tue, 04/28/2009 - 17:16
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Vietnam, Laos release joint statement

Vietnam, Laos release joint statement

(KPL) A joint statement released briefly after a visit to Vietnam by the General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) and State President, Chummaly Saynhasone, from April 23-25 has emphasised on overwhelming consensus on orientations and major measures to cement all-round cooperation.
According to VNA, the joint statement said the two countries will strengthen ties in security and national defence, public and social stability and in the fight against cross-border crimes and drug smuggling.
The two sides will further work together in locating, exhuming and repatriating remains of Vietnamese soldiers who laid down their lives in the Lao soil.
Greater efforts will be made to turn the Vietnam-Laos border into the one of peace, friendship, cooperation, comprehensive and long-term development as well as to speed up a project to strengthen and upgrade the land border marker system as committed.
The two sides discussed details and major orientations towards joint action in making a strategy of cooperation for the 2011-20 period, encouraging enterprises of all economic sectors from the two countries to invest in trade, transport, energy, mining, oil and gas, post and telecommunication, tourism, industrial crops planting and processing and other key economic areas. The cooperation projects will be based on demands from the two countries and gear to improving quality and efficiency that should contribute to technical personnel training and poverty reduction.
Focus should also be paid to the expansion of the border gate economy system through investments in infrastructure facilities on transport, post and telecommunications, energy, services and tourism to boost connection between the two countries.
All this is to bring two-way trade revenues to 1 billion USD by 2010 as well as Vietnamese investments into Laos to 2 billion USD by the same year. To reach that end, the two countries will generate best available conditions for ministries, industries and enterprises, especially those at the grassroots level, to boost investments, trade and production in the other country so as to contribute to poverty alleviation. Vietnam committed to continue providing most favourable conditions for Laos to transport its goods via Vietnamese seaports.The two sides will boost cooperation in education and training, improve the training quality and living conditions for the trainees. The two sides will continue with projects on Vietnamese and Lao language training in both countries and exchange experts of different areas.
The two sides will speed up programmes of cooperation and exchange of experiences in a large number of areas, ranging from agriculture to forestry, aquaculture, metrological and hydrological services, environmental protection, natural resource management and health care. They also agreed to promote cooperation in culture, arts, press news, publications, television and radio broadcasting as well as to hold Vietnamese culture weeks in Laos and vice versa.
The two sides expressed satisfaction at the achievements recorded in diplomatic activities and agreed to boost exchanges of information and coordination of action in international and regional issues as well as in multi-lateral organisations and forums.