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Wed, 05/06/2009 - 17:07
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Cuban Vice-President Meets with Lao PM

Cuban Vice-President Meets with Lao PM

(KPL) Cuban First Vice-President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura met this morning with Bouasone Bouphavanh, Laos Prime Minister, who is on an official visit to Cuba.
According to the source from Cuban News Agency, during the meeting the Cuban official expressed his country’s willingness to continue strengthening the friendship and bonds of fraternity between the two nations. Also, he thanked the Laotian people for their solidarity towards the Cuban people, especially in their struggle against the US blockade.Machado acknowledged the long fighting tradition of the Laotian people, and their heroic resistance against a mighty enemy like the United States during their war.
Meanwhile, Bouphavanh recalled Cuba’s president Raul Castro’s visit to his country in 2005, an occasion used to strengthen the historical bilateral bonds, and to express both countries will to take those relations even further and to cooperate in the international arena.
The Laotian PM also expressed his people’s, government’s and party’s thankfulness for the aid Cuba has provided and provides to the development of the Asian country.Both leaders also talked about the international situation. Machado was accompanied by Jorge Martí, Head of Foreign Affairs at the Communist Party Central Committee, and Ministers Bruno Rodriguez, Rodrigo Malmierca and Ena Elsa Velazquez among others.
On behalf of Laos were Thoungloun Sisoulth, First VP and Foreign Affairs Minister and Khampo Khaykhamphithoune, Ambassador to Cuba, among other officials.