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Mon, 06/28/2021 - 10:23
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Nigmatulin, Matviyenko discuss inter-parliamentary cooperation in Nur-Sultan

NUR-SULTAN, June 28 (KAZINFORM) – Speaker of Majilis, the lower chamber of the Kazakh Parliament, Nurlan Nigmatulin held talks with Speaker of the Russian Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko in the Kazakh capital in order to discuss the issues of cooperation, Kazinform has learnt from the Majilis’ press service. Having noted the strategic character of relations between Kazakhstan and Russia, Majilis Speaker stressed that the high level of bilateral cooperation has been achieved through efficient work, friendship and mutual understanding between the First President of Kazakhstan-Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev and President of Russia Vladimir Putin. At the same time, Speaker Nigmatulin pointed out that Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev attaches great importance to strengthening strategic partnership with Moscow. Valentina Matviyenko, in her turn, emphasized that she is paying her first official visit during the post-pandemic period to Kazakhstan. «This year Kazakhstan marks the 30th anniversary of its Independence. In such a short period of time thanks to First President of Kazakhstan-Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev and thanks to continuity of state and foreign policy carried out by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev it has become possible to build an economically developed and democratic state. Kazakhstan has proven its authority to the entire world,» Matviyenko said during the meeting. While talking about the Russian-Kazakh relations, the Speaker of the Russian Federation Council reminded that they are based on longstanding friendship and mutual recognition of independence and territorial integrity of the two countries. Valentina Matviyenko continued by stressing that in the past 30 years Russian and Kazakhstan have managed to build one of the most effective models of mutually profitable cooperation. Speaker Nigmatilin, in turn, said that solid inter-parliamentary dialogue is an integral part of Kazakh-Russian relations and spoke in favor of expanding the partnership within the framework of CIS IPA, CSTO PA, OSCE PA and other structures. The Majilis Speaker filled in the Russian delegation on the ongoing reforms in Kazakhstan’s electoral legislation, political system and the development of civil society. Having discussed a wide range of issues, the sides expressed solidarity and praised mutual support demonstrated by two nations during the coronavirus pandemic. Wrapping up the meeting, Nurlan Nigmatulin and Valentina Matviyenko expressed confidence that parliamentarians of Kazakhstan and Russia will continue to contribute to strengthening of multi-faceted bilateral cooperation.