ID :
Tue, 05/19/2009 - 09:10
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Vientiane to grow saplings on 500 ha

(KPL) Vientiane Capital plans to grow more than one million of saplings on 500 ha for the upcoming Arbour Day, 1 June.
The Agriculture and Forestry Department has provided responsibilities: 100 ha on each for Sangthong and Nasaithong districts, 60 ha for Sikhottabong district, 90 ha on each for Saythany and Pak Ngum, 40 ha for Hadsaifong, 10 ha for Saysettha district and five ha on each for Sisattanak and Chanthaboury districts.
Last year, Vientiane Capital has been able to grow on the total area of 1,015 ha with over 1.6 million saplings, while the plan set only 980,000 saplings on 700 ha. It considered being excess. At the present, Vientiane Capital is not able to implement, as last year due to no has much empty space, according to the Agriculture and Forestry Department.Every year, the implementation of tree plantation is to reforest in Vientiane Capital has been able to exceed the target plan.
The event aims to make the country as well as Vientiane Capital to be fully covered by trees instead of deteriorated forests under the slogan of Government “build green city”.