ID :
Thu, 06/11/2009 - 09:38
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ASEAN high level legal experts Group meet in Vientiane

(KPL) A number of agreement draft on privilege of ASEAN and sub-treaty on ASEAN conflict resolution mechanism were the main debate of the High Level Legal Experts Group on Fellow-up to the ASEAN Charter (HLEG) held in Vientiane on 9 June.
A three-day 12th summit of HLEG was held by the Lao Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Officials from Lao ministries attended at the meeting respectively Foreign Affairs, Justice, Public Security, Finance, Public Prosecutor’s General Office and delegation from ASEAN member countries and ASEAN secretariats.
The HLEG discussed the draft of agreement on ASEAN privilege and sub-treaty on ASEAN conflict resolution mechanism which the committee will propose to their foreign ministers taking into consideration during the 42nd ASEAN Ministerial Foreign Meeting to be held earlier next month.
The ASEAN Charter has been approved in the 13th Asean Summit held 20 November 2007 in Singapore, and the charter came into force on 15 December 2008.
In order to implement the Asean charter, the HLEG from 10 Asean members has been established in July 2008 to draft the legal documents on Asean individual status, Asean privilege and prerogative and Asean conflict resolution mechanism.