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Fri, 06/12/2009 - 09:20
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Australia – Laos explore new business opportunities

(KPL) Australia and Laos are well positioned to explore new business and investment opportunities, following the recent visit to Australia by Laos’ Minister for Planning and Investment, Dr Sinlavong Kouthphaitoun.
Dr Sinlavong travelled to Australia from 26 May to 3 June at the invitation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Embassy in Vientiane.
The visit, which included trips to Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne, showcased the diverse and world-class experiences of Australian companies that are interested in investing in Laos.
Dr Sinlavong met the Hon Simon Crean, Minister for Trade, and representatives from both the Australian Government and the private sector, including mining, tourism and other service-oriented companies. He toured an underground gold mine in South Australia (Dominion Mining’s Challenger Mine) and studied other examples of best practice in implementing mining, environmental, financial management and community development standards. The visit also provided the opportunity to learn about Australia’s foreign investment promotion activities and regulatory regime.
Dr Sinlavong’s visit built-upon the sound reputation of Australian investors in Laos.
‘Australian companies have a strong track record of doing business here,’ the Australian Ambassador, Dr Michele Forster said. ‘They have made robust and long-lasting contributions to community and human resource development in Laos, as well as demonstrating strong environmental, financial management and social standards.’
‘There are numerous Australian companies keen to expand their businesses or begin new investments here in Laos, particularly mining and mining support services companies’ Dr Forster said.
Australia and New Zealand signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with ASEAN (the AANZFTA) in February this year, which includes Laos.
The AANZFTA, together with Australian investors’ growing interest in Laos, will create new opportunities for Australian and Lao companies, that will deliver strong economic and social benefits for Laos and the investors alike.