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Mon, 06/22/2009 - 23:50
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Mistakes in Iqbal's poem in handbook, 7 suspended in Kerala

Thiruvananthapuram, Jun 22 (PTI) In a major embarrassment
to Kerala Education Department, mistakes have been found in
great Urdu poet Allama Iqbal's famous poem 'Sare Jahan se
Achcha' reproduced in Malayalam script in the handbook for
school teachers.

After the matter came to light, the department withdrew
the book and suspended six teachers and a faculty aid involved
in its preparation, a senior official in Directorate of Public
Instructions said. The official said they have been suspended
till the inquiry into the matter completes.

The mistake was found in the lines in the poem 'Mazhab
nahin sikhata apas men bayar rakhna' (faith does not teach us
to harbour grudges between us).

In the version printed in Malayalam, in place of the
words 'Maz'hab nahin...' the name of Prophet Muhammad was

According to scholars, this mistake gave an entirely
different meaning to the line from what was originally meant
by the legendary poet. There were also some other minor
mistakes in the text, they said.

This mistake was first noticed by a woman teacher in a
school in Kozhikode district, who brought it to the attention
of the authorities. Immediately, the text was examined and it
was decided that it will be withdrawn.

An inquiry has been ordered to check how the mistake
crept into the handbook meant for teachers of the fourth
standard, official sources said. PTI JRK