ID :
Tue, 06/23/2009 - 12:07
Auther :

Thai company provides education development software to university

(KPL) Magic Software (Thailand) Corp supported the Magic Education Programme worth 4 million baht to National University of Laos on 18 June at the Lao Plaza Hotel, Vientiane.
The agreement was signed by Mr. Sengsomphone Vilavout General Director of Planning and Cooperation Department and Mr. Bunrak Saraggananda Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Magic Software (Thailand) Corp.
The Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization (ASOCIO) members of Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Singapore and India witnessed at the event.
Mr. Bunrak said that the software is to develop the information communication (ICT) of education sector.
He said the magic software is a leading software in Thailand, we provide software technology, support and service in the area of business integration, business intelligence and software development to both public and private enterprises
Mr. Bunrak said the Magic software Company planned to develop the software system and help students in Laos.
Director General of Planing and Cooperation Mr. Sengsomphone expressed thanks to the Magic Software Corp for supporting the Magic Education Programme to Laos.