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Thu, 06/13/2024 - 12:15
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Steel Designing Institute Marks Its 60th Founding Anniversary

Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- The Steel Designing Institute under the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry in the DPRK marked its 60th founding anniversary.
The 60-year history of the institute is a glorious history of the energetic guidance and devotion of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un and a history of loyalty and repayment of its officials and designers who have upheld the policies of the Workers' Party of Korea in practice.
On June 13, Juche 53 (1964), the President ensured that the institute was established, and clearly indicated the road ahead of it.
Though he was busy with his revolutionary leadership, the Chairman examined the designs drawn up by the institute several times and gave precious instructions for building an independent and modern metallurgical industry and showed warm care for the ordinary designers.
The General Secretary meticulously guided the institute to creditably fulfill its honorable mission for the Party and therevolution, the country and the people in the drive for establishing a new Juche-based system of making iron.
Over the past 60 years, the institute has developed into a reliable designing research group of the country with strong design force and solid material and technical foundations, and made a great contribution to the development of the Juche-based metallurgical industry under the wise guidance of the peerlessly great men.
A meeting took place on June 12 to mark the founding anniversary. -0-