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Sat, 07/13/2024 - 06:12
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47 Nations Choose Self-Built Pavilions at 2025 Osaka Expo

Tokyo, July 12 (Jiji Press)--Forty-seven nations have chosen Type A self-built pavilions at the 2025 World Exposition in the western Japan city of Osaka, Hanako Jimi, minister in charge of the event, said Friday. 

The announcement effectively marked the conclusion of work to determine the types of pavilions for participating countries, with just nine months to go before the Osaka Expo opening.

Type A pavilions are seen as an expo highlight due to their creative designs. 

Although 60 countries initially planned to build Type A pavilions for the Osaka Expo, many experienced difficulties concluding contracts with construction companies chiefly because of soaring construction materials prices.

Reservations to visit foreign country pavilions will be accepted from late September or later. With the types of pavilions determined, the focus shifts to the construction of buildings and preparations for the operations in the tight schedule.

The government and the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition, the event's organizer, aim to release detailed information about exhibitions by participating countries early.

According to the organizer, 43 of the 47 nations that will have Type A pavilions have chosen their contractors. Of them, 35 have already started building the pavilions.

The remaining four have yet to pick their contractors. They are believed to be in the final stages of reaching decisions.

While some people have voiced concern that the Osaka Expo may be less attractive with fewer Type A pavilions, Jimi said, "Regardless of which (pavilion style) they choose, participating countries are all planning creative exhibits."

Of the countries that initially planned to build Type A pavilions, five have switched to simplified Type X pavilions. Such pavilions are built by the organizer, with participating countries responsible for interior and exterior work.

Seventeen nations have adopted Type B pavilions, which are row house-like buildings, while 92 countries will use Type C pavilions, shared by multiple participants.

Mexico, Russia and Argentina have withdrawn from the event mainly due to financial difficulties, while Colombia and another nation have chosen Type A pavilions.

The Osaka Expo will be held on Yumeshima, an artificial island in the city, between April 13 and October 13, 2025.