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Fri, 07/10/2009 - 16:10
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UNICEF further support child rights via media

(KPL) The National Secretariat Commission for Mother and Child in cooperation with Ministry of Information and Culture and UNICEF last Monday held a meeting to resume a mid-term implementation of the Children Policy, Advocacy and Communication (CPAC) programme (2007-2011) in Vientiane province.Mr. Bounleane Boupha, Deputy Head of Office of the Ministry of Information and Culture said that the meeting aimed to build awareness of and support for child rights at all levels of society by combining child rights monitoring and policy analysis and advocacy with social mobilization and communication for behavioral change.
While facilitating child rights’ realization through research, monitoring, policy advocacy, dialogue and resource leverage, the programme contributes to achievement of the priorities identified in the 6th National Socio-Economic Development Plans (NSEDP) and to all Millennium Development Goals.
The CPAC programme also specifically focus on strengthening young people’s ability to advocate for their rights through radio and generate media visibility for country programme priorities in a manner which supports fund raising.
In addition, the attendees discussed about obstacles in their implementation of the projects for further progress.
The obstacles will be dealt in the future include human resources development, additional budget, information supply, coordinate improvement, dissemination information, assessment and monitor.
Taking part at the event, Deputy Director of the International Organisation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mrs, Khantalasy, Deputy Country Representative of Unicef to Laos, Ms Silvia Danalov and representatives from various sectors.