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Mon, 07/13/2009 - 11:29
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MMG LXML Sepon Confirms Trust Fund Plan

(KPL) Recently MMG Lane Xang Minerals Limited Sepon (MMG LXML Sepon) announced the 2009 annual budget for the Vilabouly Community Trust Fund to the value of USS$500,000.
The main aim of the Sepon Trust Fund is to develop economy of community near the mining project while supporting the Vilabouly District to achieve their 5 year socio economic plan. The Trust Fund, co-chaired by district anuthorities and MMG LXML Sepon senior management supports activities that will bring about lasting change aimed at improving the quality of life of the communities around the mine.
The budget is allocated in six focus areas: education, infrastructure, health, agriculture, small business development and tourism.“MMG Lane Xang Minerals Sepon is committed to share the benefits of our mining operations with the communities around us.
We want to contribute to lasting livelihood security, vocational training, employment and poverty reduction. This is achieved through a strong partnership with the district and provincial administration with whom our activities are aligned,” said Frank Reimann, Senior Manager Human Resources &Social Sustainability.
Since 2003 up to present, the Sepon Project has contributed more than US$ 2.4 million towards Trust Fund supported local community development programs in the Greater Project Development Area (GPDA) and the Vilabouly District in general.
The GPDA comprises 11 villages close to mining activities with the majority of the people belonging to the Phouthai and Lao Theung ethnic groups.
The Trust Fund forms part of the variety of direct benefits from the project and is important because it is focussed on the Vilabouly District. Other forms of indirect benefits from MMG LXML Sepon to the local area include employment, vocational training, small business development, micro credit, purchasing of local goods and services, as well as sponsorships and donations to local events and activities.