ID :
Mon, 07/27/2009 - 12:42
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Thai company funds construction of small hydropower project

(KPL) Electricite Du Laos (EDL) contracted the Nawarat Patanakarn Company of Thailand to conduct a feasibility study on the construction of Nam Sana Hydropower project in Kasy district of Vientiane province and the two parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Vientiane on 23 July.
The MOU was signed by the General Director of EDL, Mr Khammany Inthirath and President of Nawarat Patankarn Company, Mr Polpat Karnasuta.
General Director of Electricite Du Laos, Mr. Khammany Inthirath said that this is a small-scale project as the total electrical power production would only be 15 Megawatts (MW).
The feasibility study, he added would start after the MOU and the report should be ready in 18 months.
After the feasibility stage, Nawarat Patanakarn Company would fund the construction which would take up to three years.
Mr. Khammany also said that when this project comes on stream, it would supply electricity to remote areas of three districts, Kasy, Maed and Phoukoun, Vientiane province.