ID :
Thu, 09/10/2009 - 11:40
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New Consulate General of Laos opened in Kunming

(KPL) The Lao People’s Democratic Republic opened on 9 September her new consulate general office in Kunming, Yunnan province of southwest China.
Attending the opening ceremony were Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Thongloun Sisoulith, Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs Phongsavath Boupha, Lao Ambassador to China Mr. Vichit Singdavong, Yunnan province governor and senior officials from Laos and China.
The new consulate general office built with the funding of the Lao government is the first building of the foreign consulate office built in Yunnan province. The new office of the Lao Consulate General will be a place to enhance the friendly relation and co-operation between Laos and China, especially in the fields of economy and trade.