ID :
Wed, 06/04/2008 - 11:20
Auther :

US to take on child labor in Yemen

SANA'A, June 04 (Saba) - The US Labor ministry has expressed its readiness to finance the third stage of combating the children labor in Yemen with a sum estimated at $ 3 million, the said.

The announcement came as the Yemeni ministry of Labor and SocialAffairs began preparations for launching the phase.

The officer of the Combating Child Labor Unit at the ministry Muna Salim confirmed the ministry had begun outlining the plans of the third phase of fighting child labor in the republic.

The third phase will include opening centers for reeducating working children in the high-population rates cities as well as coordinating with the Education ministry to limit the drop outrates, Salim said.

She said the second phase was featured with coordination with the public and civil bodies to limit worst child labor forms and preparing a database for the phenomenon of child labor and releasingit on the internet.

Moreover, the second phase considered some laws which are to be amended after being approved by the legislative authorities inYemen. - end.