'If President Was Anyone Other Than Trump, Nation Would be Outraged' - Analyst

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has failed to confirm the allegations of collusion between US President Donald Trump and Russia.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has failed to confirm the allegations of collusion between US President Donald Trump and Russia.
Americans are viewed more negatively today than during the darkest days of the ill-fated Bush era.
Kolkata, May 7 (PTI) US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today said that she will not be in the race for the US presidency in 2016.
ANKARA (A.A) - November 1, 2011 - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cancelled her trip to Turkey.
WASHINGTON (A.A) - November 1, 2011 - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said that the United States welcomed Turkey's growing role in the region and on the world stage.
WASHINGTON (A.A) - November 1, 2011 - U.S.
WASHINGTON (A.A) - October 30, 2011 - A number of Turkish ministers will attend the annual conference of the American Turkish Council (ATC) in Washington.