Turkish Red Crescent delivers aid to Syrians

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HATAY, Turkey

The Turkish Red Crescent aid organization, Kizilay, has delivered over 150 truckloads of aid material in a month for Syrians struggling under the shadow of conflict.

Tehran welcomes Pakistan aid following deadly quake

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Tehran is set to receive a first shipment of humanitarian relief from Pakistan, six days after Iran was rocked by a 7.3-magnitude earthquake that left hundreds of people dead.

Turkish agencies step up aid for quake-hit Iraqis

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Turkish agencies are providing much-needed food and supplies to victims of a powerful earthquake that struck the Iraq-Iran border region earlier this month.

UN praises Turkey's effort for Rohingya refugees

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The UN high commissioner for refugees on Monday hailed Turkey as "a generous humanitarian donor" after it pledged to spend $50 million on supporting Rohingya refugees.