Belgian far-right party seeks headscarf ban on drivers

Tehran, Jan 19, IRNA -- The far-right anti-Islam Flemish Interest Party in Belgium has forwarded a bill to Parliament forbidding women with headscarves from driving vehicles.
Tehran, Jan 19, IRNA -- The far-right anti-Islam Flemish Interest Party in Belgium has forwarded a bill to Parliament forbidding women with headscarves from driving vehicles.
Qasr-e Shirin, Kermanshah Prov, July 20, IRNA - A parliamentarian said here on Sunday that the Iraqi government must ensure safety of Iranian tanker drivers and nationals in that country.
Azerbaijan, Baku, August 21 / Trend, A. Taghiyeva
Turkey's traffic police will be checking drivers in the country for drug use, along with alcohol level tests, CNN Turk reported.