Basij Commanders Renew Allegiance To S.Leader

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Basij Commanders Renew Allegiance To S.Leader

Tehran, Nov 20, IRNA – Basij commanders from all over the country gathered in Tehran Grand Prayer site Wednesday morning to renew allegiance to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatolla

S.Leader Condoles Death Of Asgarowladi

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S.Leader Condoles Death Of Asgarowladi

Tehran, Nov 6, IRNA – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in a message on Tuesday condoled the Iranian nation on the passing away of Habibollah Asgarowladi, one of

Iran To Seriously Pursue US Spying On S.Leader

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Iran To Seriously Pursue US Spying On S.Leader

Tehran, Nov 5, IRNA – Iran will take serious and specific measures about US spying on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s visit to Kurdestan province in 2009, it was reported on Tuesday.

S.Leaderˈs Remarks Get Wide Coverage

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S.Leaderˈs Remarks Get Wide Coverage

Islamabad, Nov 4, IRNA – Media in Pakistan on Monday gave wide coverage to the remarks of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei saying he supported talks with world powers