Melbourne dams highest levels since 1998
Melbourne households are unlikely to see new water-saving campaigns any time soon, as the highest dam levels in more than a decade point to an easing of water restrictions by summer.
Melbourne households are unlikely to see new water-saving campaigns any time soon, as the highest dam levels in more than a decade point to an easing of water restrictions by summer.
A man has pleaded guilty to murdering a Sydney teenager he met on Facebook.
The boss of the Australian Tax Office (ATO) has reminded taxpayers that anyone that tries to cheat the system will be caught, saying $220 million of dodgy claims have been found in the past two mon
Australia faces a housing shortfall of more than half a million homes by 2020 if construction rates continue at the same pace as the past 20 years, a report shows.
Federal Transport Minister Anthony Albanese has been grabbed and abused by anti-carbon tax protesters who marched to his inner Sydney electorate office calling him a "gutless maggot".
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has confirmed the future of offshore processing of asylum seekers is in doubt after the High Court's decision to scuttle the Malaysian people swap deal.
Manly second rower Glenn Stewart has been suspended for three matches, after being found guilty of his contrary conduct charge at the NRL judiciary on Wednesday night.
An 85-year-old Perth man reversing a Honda Civic out of his driveway has run over his elderly wife, who later died in hospital.
NSW teachers will strike for 24 hours on Thursday, September 8, to protest against the state government's public sector wage changes.
Manly are in talks with NRL officials seeking an adjournment of Wednesday night's judiciary hearing involving star backrower Glenn Stewart.