Webber bored by Formula One technical row
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - Fresh from snaring pole position for the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, Mark Webber labelled the technical rule row engulfing the sport as "nonsense".
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - Fresh from snaring pole position for the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, Mark Webber labelled the technical rule row engulfing the sport as "nonsense".
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - Trade Minister Craig Emerson says it would be a "bit rich" for Australia to insist that Indonesian abattoirs stun animals before slaughtering them, when some Australian aba
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - AGL Energy Ltd says the carbon pricing scheme announced by the government has attempted to address a number of key concerns of the energy industry.
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - A plan to reduce Australia's carbon footprint will be the single biggest legislative victory for climate change action in the nation's history, lobby group GetUp!
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - The manufacturing union says it will make sure new clean energy jobs stay in Australia, as the federal government dedicates funds toward expanding the sector.
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - The federal government will provide $9.2 billion in assistance to support jobs and industries affected by the introduction of a carbon price.
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - Millions of Australians will be worse off under the federal government's carbon price package and it won't even cut emissions, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says.
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - A female Victorian police officer trying to restore order at an out of control teenage birthday party was taken to hospital after she was assaulted in Melbourne on Friday n
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - A much-anticipated book written by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and already about three months overdue may not go on sale, with reports that the Australian is unhappy w
SYDNEY (AAP) - July 09 - Holden's Garth Tander has won Saturday's V8 Supercar race in Townsville with a composed display.