Japan Fiscal Discipline Back-Burnered amid Calls for Spending
Tokyo, Dec. 20 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese government has put fiscal
discipline on the back burner, as calls for spending increases are mounting
due to a steep economic downturn.
Tokyo, Dec. 20 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese government has put fiscal
discipline on the back burner, as calls for spending increases are mounting
due to a steep economic downturn.
Nagoya, Dec. 19 (Jiji Press)--Toyota Motor Corp.
Tokyo, Dec. 17 (Jiji Press)--Honda Motor Co.
Tokyo, Dec. 16 (Jiji Press)--A Legislative Council subcommittee
released an interim report Tuesday that includes both positive and negative
Tokyo, Dec. 15 (Jiji Press)--Business sentiment among large
Japanese manufacturers in December deteriorated to the worst level in nearly
Poznan, Poland, Dec. 11 (Jiji Press)--Japanese Environment Minister Tetsuo Saito on Thursday called on the world to share a goal of at least halving global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Kyoto, Dec. 10 (Jiji Press)--Kyoto University has agreed to team up
with U.S. biotechnology company Novocell Inc. in exploring the creation of
Tokyo, Dec. 9 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese economy shrank at a
Tokyo, Dec. 8 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese government and ruling
coalition on Monday decided on a policy to distribute a total of one
Tokyo, Dec. 4 (Jiji Press)--All 60 municipalities that have
district and branch courts in Japan have decided to allow the temporary use