Wednesday's weather forecast

Submitted by VNA on

SEOUL, Nov. 19 (Yonhap) -- The following is the weather
forecast for South Korea's 12 major cities at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday.


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KOSDAQ 309.94 UP 4.68 points (open)


Submitted by VNA on

Dollar opens at 1,438.0 won DN from 1,448.0 won

Yonhap news advisory for Wednesday, Nov. 19

Submitted by VNA on

The following stories are scheduled to be covered by Yonhap News Agency. Your
queries are welcome. Yonhap's English-language news desk can be reached by

(EDITORIAL from the Korea Times on Nov. 19)

Submitted by VNA on

Desolate mountain resort

Little could describe the currently chilly relationship between the two Koreas
better than deserted Mt. Geumgang resort in the North.