Vatican Wants Enhanced Ties with Iran: Envoy

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Vatican wants enhanced ties with Iran: ambassador

Tehran, Nov 4, IRNA – The Holy See government and the Pope are keen on expanding relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, Vatican new ambassador to Tehran, Lieu Bacardi said in a meeting with F

Iran, Armenia Call For Enhanced Energy Co-op

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Iran, Armenia Call For Enhanced Energy Co-op

Moscow, Nov 3, IRNA – Iranian Energy Minister Hamid Chitchian and Armenian Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Ara Simonyan, in Moscow on Saturday held talks on ways to promote mutual

Iran, Serbia Call For Enhanced Co-op

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 Iran, Serbia call for enhanced cooperation

Belgrade, Oct 8, IRNA – Iranian Paliament Speaker Ali Larijani and his Serbian counterpart Nebojsa Stefanovic in a meeting in the capital city of Belgrade, stressed the need for expansion of econom

Iran-Lebanon Call For Enhanced Ties

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 Iran, Lebanon call for enhanced bilateral ties

Beirut, Oct 5, IRNA – Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Ghazanfar Roknabadi, and the Lebanese head of the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for Arab Countries, Adnan Kass