ˈCount to Oneˈ To Go On Stage At German Festival

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ˈCount to Oneˈ To Go On Stage At German Festival

Tehran, May 11, IRNA - Yas-e Tamam, an Iranian theater group led by writer/ director Zahra Sabri, will perform “Count to One” at the International Puppet Theater Festival (FIDENA), which will be he

Iran-Tunisia Establish Cinema Society

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Iran-Tunisia Establish Cinema Society

Tehran, May 10, IRNA - Iran and Tunisia established a joint cinema society during the opening ceremony of Tunisia’s Med Memories Film Festival on Wednesday evening.

Iran, China agree to launch joitn radio station

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Tehran, May 7, IRNA – Senior officials of Iran and China have agreed to launch a joint radio station, in a meeting in the Iranian capital, it was reported on Wednesday.