Abu Dhabi expands National Day Fireworks Programme

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Abu Dhabi: Abu Dhabi's fireworks programme for the UAE's 42nd National Day weekend has been expanded to make the celebrations more accessible for residents and visitors, with 11 shows at six sites

Canada supports Dubai's bid for World Expo 2020

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Dubai: Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister, John Baird, and Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade, yesterday announced that Canada will support Dubai's bid for World Expo 2020, which would be the

UAE's iconic Houbara makes Paris Museum debut

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Abu Dhabi: UAE's iconic Houbara bustards made an appearance in Western Europe yesterday when eight of the Asian endangered birds were officially unveiled at a ceremony in Paris as the latest attrac

Kia-Rostami Wins Japanese Badge Of Honor

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Kia-Rostami Wins Japanese Badge Of Honor

Tehran, Nov 4, IRNA – Noted Iranian film director Abbas Kia-Rostami won the Japanese government’s badge of honor in recognition of his valuable services and his contribution to boost cultural excha