1983 World Cup heroes relive historic occasion at the Lord's By H.S. Rao
London, Jun 27 (PTI) - It was a journey down the memory lane
as India's 1983 World Cup heroes relived the historic occasion
London, Jun 27 (PTI) - It was a journey down the memory lane
as India's 1983 World Cup heroes relived the historic occasion
Rezaul H. Laskar
Sridhar Krishnaswami
Paris, June 25 (PTI) - Leading Western armament companies
are vying with each other to grab a USD two billion tender for
MOSCOW, June 25 (Itar-Tass)- Moscow is giving Chechnya money for postwar reconstruction with a generous hand, but at the same time warns that control of the way it is spent will be strict.
By Andi Abdussalam
Jakarta, June 24 (ANTARA) - Indonesia is one of the countries where the number of HIV cases is growing fast while the figure for Asia is actually declining.
Jakarta, Jun 24 (ANTARA) - The government of Indonesia has been urged to immediately issue a decision on the status of the US Naval Medical Research Unit 2 (Namru-2) in this world's largest archipe
Jakarta, June 23 (ANTARA)- As already predicted and based on results of a survey made in Semarang, capital of Central Java province recently, Bibit Waluyo and his running mate Ms Rustrinigsih won
MOSCOW, June 21 (By Itar-Tass World Service writer Lyudmila
By Itar-Tass World Service writer Lyudmila Alexandrova