Iran, Russia firms to build joint pipeline

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The CEO of Sina Energy Gostar Holding, affiliated with Mustazafan Foundation, said the holding was planning to build a pipeline for the transfer of petroleum products with support from Russian comp

West resorts to unrest to harm Iran economy: MP

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Tehran, IRNA – The West utilizes unrest and riot in order to impair Iran’s economy and society by resorting to hybrid and soft war, but they failed thanks to the Iranians' insight, a lawmaker said.

COVID-19 kills 4 more Iranians over past 24 hours

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Tehran, IRNA – The number of deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in Iran increased to 144,600 with four more Iranians killed by the deadly disease over the past 24 hours, Iran's Health Ministry an

Iran goalkeeper among 5 Asian FIFA World Cup Heroes

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Tehran, IRNA – The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) has released a list of five all-time Asian stars of the history of the World Cup among whom is the Iranian goalkeeper Alireza Beiranvand.

Iran arrests 26 terrorists in Shiraz attack

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Tehran, IRNA – The Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic of Iran has announced that 26 Takfiri terrorists have been arrested so far and that the main coordinator of the Shahcheragh terro