Iran’s missile achievements at a glance

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Tehran, IRNA – According to Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani creativity and innovation in the complex process of construction management, improvement of operational

Iranian films shine at PÖFF Film Festival

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TEHRAN, Nov. 06 (MNA) – Two Iranian films shined at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival (PÖFF), one being awarded and another scheduled for being screened in the Best of Fest section.

COVID-19 kills 4 more Iranians over past 24 hours

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Tehran, IRNA – The number of deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in Iran increased to 144,596 with four more Iranians killed by the deadly disease over the past 24 hours, Iran's Health Ministry an

IRGC arrests 3 terrorist teams in Iran

Submitted by IRNA on

Tehran, IRNA - Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has arrested three terrorist teams who were planning to do terrorist acts in Khuzestan, Fars, and Isfahan pr