Velayati Calls Ban Ki-moon A US Puppet

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Velayati Calls Ban Ki-moon A US Puppet

Tehran, March 12, IRNA - Supreme Leaderˈs senior advisor for foreign affairs Ali Akbar Velayati criticized UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for pursuing the US policies.

Iran FM Calls For Enhanced Co-op With Poland

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Iran FM Calls For Enhanced Co-op With Poland

Tehran, March 2, IRNA — Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, in a meeting with his Polish counterpart Radosław Sikorski here on Saturday voiced Tehran’s readiness to expand cooperation with Warsa

Qatari FM Calls For More Tehran-Doha Ties

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Qatari FM Calls For More Tehran-Doha Ties

Tehran, Feb 17, IRNA – Qatar Foreign Minister, in a meeting with Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister in Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdullahian in Doha, said that the two countries should deve