Baku, February 22 (AzerTAc). Russian Community`s Russian Cultural Center has announced a competition for best reading of Pushkin`s verses and best songs based on Pushkin`s poetry.
Baku, February 22 (AzerTAc). Russian Community`s Russian Cultural Center has announced a competition for best reading of Pushkin`s verses and best songs based on Pushkin`s poetry.
Baku, February 22 (AzerTAc). Azerbaijan Investment Company (AIC) and US Agency for International Development (USAID) will co-host an investment conference in Shaki on March 3.
Baku, February 22 (AzerTAc). The GDP in Azerbaijan amounted to 1.9 billion manats in January 2009.
Baku, February 22 (AzerTAc).
Baku, February 22 (AzerTAc). The Azerbaijan State Caspian Sea Shipping company (CASPAR) will acquire a new tanker with the capacity of 13 tons in May-June this year.
Baku, February 22 (AzerTAc).
Baku, February 22 (AzerTAc). According to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of Azerbaijan, postal and ICT sectors have grown by 32.1% in Azerbaijan for the past five years.
Baku, February 22 (AzerTAc).
Baku, February 21 (AzerTAc). Turkey handed over NATO`s coordination mission on Azerbaijan to Romania. Official Bucharest will carry out the mission for two years.