N. Korea slams delay in removal from U.S. terror list
principle to match action with action toward North Korea's denuclearization.
principle to match action with action toward North Korea's denuclearization.
In a speech in Seoul marking the anniversary of Korea's liberation from Japan's 1910-1945 colonial rule, Lee appeared to refer to a territorial row with Japan but avoided commenting on it directly.
event in 24 years.
is completed in 2010, the transport ministry said Thursday.
Separately, Kyoko Nakayama, minister in charge of the abduction issue, told reporters, ''If investigations will be done with the presumption that (the abductees) are alive and not dead, then we wil
Ministry said Wednesday.
Kyzylorda, 6 August (Khabar) - The rice harvest campaign is about to start in the Kyzylorda region, where 90% of farming equipment has been repaired.
and other everyday items.
(KPL) The Australian Government has agreed to provide grant aid to poverty reduction in the southern provinces of Saravane and Sekong.