Talabani instructs to be first in reducing his salary

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Baghdad (NINA) – President Jalal Talabani gave instructions to be the first who will have his salary reduced and for the reduction to include all of the presidency’s staff; as well as to draw sugge

US Deputy Secretary of State visits Iraq

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Baghdad (NINA) – The United States Deputy Secretary of State, Thomas Nides is to visit Iraq this week in his first visit outside the United States since he assumed his office early last January.

Wasit province strikes deal with Turkish company

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Kut (NINA) – Wasit province city council, Mahmoud Abdul Ridha Talal, announced striking a memorandum of understanding with the Turkish (Yabwanbish) company to rehabilitate a number of Kut city st

Shahristani: talks with Mitsubishi to invest in gas

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Baghdad (NINA) - Deputy Premier for Energy Affairs, Hussein Shahristani, said talks are being held with the Japanese Mitsubishi company to exploit and develop the natural gas riches in Iraq, as w

Two IEDs explode northern Babylon killing 3 Iraqis

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Hilla (NINA) -- A Colonel in the Iraqi army got killed today and two soldiers were injured by an IED during a search operation they were carrying out after an earlier IED exploded killing a woma