JB Import-Export donates 40 million kip for flood victims

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VIENTIANE,JULY 28.(KPL)- JB Import-Export Managing Director Chakrit Naksorn presented relief aid packages worth 40 million kip to Minister to Prime Minister Office Bountiem Phissamay to further pre

Mekong civilization to be represented in Luang Prabang

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VIENTIANE,JULY 28.(KPL)- Luang Prabang province are preparing for the sixth Mekong civilization exhibition which is going to take place at the Luang Prabang Museum on August 17-mid-November.

Prime Minister’s Decree on NGO disseminated

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VIENTIANE,JULY 27.(KPL)- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday held a seminar to disseminate the Prime Minister’s Decree No. 013 on Non-governmental Organisations (NGO).

470 mln kip donated through MLS for Haima victims

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Vientiane,july 26.(KPL)- As much as 470 million kip has been donated by various organisations and individuals through the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare for assisting the flood victims in si