Laos, Cambodia agree to preserve Pakha fish

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(KPL) Two provinces of Laos and Cambodia, Champassak and Strung Treng have agreed to cooperate in the preservation of Mekong Irrawaddy Dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris).

Media asked to participate in AH1N1 campaign

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(KPL) Print and electronic media has been asked to do more their efforts for AH1N1 influenza campaign in order to make sure public are properly informed about the virus.

ASEAN experts discuss water resource management

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(KPL) Twenty ASEAN experts gathered in Vientiane to discuss the improvement of ASEAN strategy action plan on water resources management in each country and Laos.

Five provincial health services receives pick-up trucks

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(KPL) Lao-Luxembourg Health Initiative Support Programme gave five pick-up trucks worth US 82,500 to provincial health services of Luang Prabang, Vientiane, Borikhamsay, Khammouane and Savannakhet

New type flu claims one life

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(KPL) The National Emerging Infectious Disease Coordination Office yesterday confirmed that 51 people infected with new type influenza A (H1N1) and the virus claimed one life in Borikhamsay provinc

SDPM leaves for New York

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(KPL) A high ranking delegation of Laos led by Standing Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavad left Vientiane last week for New York, where he will report and defend the National report No.