Young Lao football team visits Japan

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(KPL) Twenty two Lao delegates, who visited Fukushima, Japan from 1-6 June under the JENESYS programme as a part of Mekong-Japan Exchange Year 2009 event, together with the same numbers of Japan an

Australia – Laos explore new business opportunities

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(KPL) Australia and Laos are well positioned to explore new business and investment opportunities, following the recent visit to Australia by Laos’ Minister for Planning and Investment, Dr Sinlavon

Showcasing Laos during inauguration ceremony of SEA Games

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(KPL) The Lao cultural performance programme will be a pillar of the inauguration ceremony to kick-start the 25th SEA Games in Vientiane from 9 to 18 December this year and it is an opportunity for

Champassak and Quang Nam cooperates on tourism ventures

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(KPL) Champassak and Quang Nam provinces, the latter in Vietnam, discussed how they can cooperate on tourism related ventures such as managing guesthouses, hotels and services for tourists.

ASEAN high level legal experts Group meet in Vientiane

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(KPL) A number of agreement draft on privilege of ASEAN and sub-treaty on ASEAN conflict resolution mechanism were the main debate of the High Level Legal Experts Group on Fellow-up to the ASEAN Ch

Workshop to combat International Drug Trafficking

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(KPL) Recently, the United States Embassy in collaboration with the Lao National Commission for Drug Control and Supervision (LCDC) organized a “Workshop Regarding International Drug Trafficking a

ASEAN Water Polo to help Laos

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(KPL) ASEAN Water Polo Federation and FINA referees and members recently has sent four experts to train Lao officials and volunteers from Lao National Swimming Federation as well as inspected a new